


VPS HomeTrade is an online trading service that you can easily access anywhere, with extensive functionality including:

  • Place/cancel orders
  • View securities price board and place orders at the same time
  • Access market information that is updated constantly during trading periods
  • Asset management and unrealized gain/loss


- Go to the website:

- Enter Customer ID and Password
- Press Enter or click “LOGIN”.

Note:If you enter the wrong password 3 times, the system will show a ‘Capcha’ verification challenge, and ask for both the correct account login and Capcha.
Should the account be logged into simultaneously from 2 different computers, the system will notify you with the message “This account is being used on a different computer or device”.

2. Change password (PASSWORD)

You can change your password for logging in to the HomeTrade System:

  • Click on “Account Management” --> “Change Password”
  • Enter old password
  • Enter new password.
  • Enter new password again to verify
  • Click on “Accept”

3. Forgotten password (PASSWORD)

If you forget your password, click on the "Forgot password" link:

  • Enter Customer ID
  • Enter Capcha code
  • Enter PIN/token to confirm
  • Click on “Request”
  • Check your registered email, where you should have been sent an email from VPS
  • Click on the authentication link in that email
  • The system will then automatically send a new password to your registered email

Two-link authentication is only valid for 7 days from your request. After 7 days, if you have not clicked on the authentication link or if you have not used the new password, both will become invalid.

4. PIN code

If you select “Save PIN” when submitting a transaction, you will not have to enter your PIN again for subsequent transactions, until you log off the Home Trade system.

4.1 Change PIN code

  • Click on “Account Management” --> “Verification types”
  • Select “Use a PIN code to place orders”
  • Click on “Change PIN Code”
  • Enter old PIN
  • Enter new PIN
  • Enter new PIN again to verify
  • Enter Capcha code
  • Click “Accept”

4.2 Forgotten PIN code

  • Click on “Account Management” --> “Verification types”
  • Select “Use a PIN code to place orders”
  • Click on “Forgot PIN code”
  • Enter Capcha
  • Click “Accept”

5. Online trading functions

5.1 Buy order entry

You can reach the Buy Order Entry screen in several ways:

1) Click on the "BUY" button on any screen
2) Press Ctrl+B on your keyboard
3) Click on the "BUY" button on the price board

Once you have reached the Buy Order Entry screen, you can enter buy orders as follows:
Enter the information listed below. Use the Tab key, Enter key, or mouse to move from one field to the next.
Do not use spaces or commas. You can use a decimal point in the price field.

1) Enter the securities code in the field labeled “Stock”

If you are unsure whether you have the correct securities code, you can search by entering a securities code into the “Stock” field, and the system will display for that code:

- full company name

- reference, ceiling, and floor prices

- highest, lowest, and current average prices

- the three best buying/selling prices and associated quantities

- available foreign ownership room

- credit available

2) Enter the number of shares you wish to purchase in the box labeled “Volume”

3) Enter the purchase price in the box labeled “Price”

4) Enter your PIN in the box labeled “PIN Code”.

If you select “Save PIN” you will not need to enter your PIN again for subsequent transactions, until you log off the Home Trade System.

Click on the “Order” button or press the Enter key

The following screen will appear. Check the details carefully.

  • Click “Confirm” to submit the order, or “Close” to cancel it.
  • If the order is valid, it can be checked along with all other orders on the “Order Status” screen

5.2 Sell order entry

You can reach the Sell Order Entry screen in several ways:

1) Click on the "SELL" button on any screen
2) Press Ctrl+S on your keyboard
3) Click on the “Sell” button on the price board
4) In the "Portfolio" screen, click on the “Sell” button

Once you have reached the Sell Order Entry screen, you can enter sell orders as follows:

  • Enter the information below. Use the Tab key, Enter key, or mouse to move from one field to the next.

Do not use spaces or commas. You can use a decimal point in the price field.

5) Enter the securities code in the field labeled “Stock”

If you are unsure whether you have the correct securities code, you can search by entering a securities code into the “Stock” field, and the system will display for that code:

- stock currently available for sale

- full company name

- reference, ceiling, and floor prices

- highest, lowest, and current average prices

- the three best buying/selling prices and associated quantities

6) Enter the number of shares you wish to sell in the box labeled “Volume”

7) Enter the sale price in the box labeled “Price”

8) Enter your PIN in the box labeled “PIN Code”.

If you click on “Save PIN” you will not need to enter your PIN again for subsequent transactions, until you log off the Home Trade System.

Click on the “Order” button or press the Enter key

The confirmation screen will appear. Check the details carefully.

Click “Confirm” to submit the order, or “Close” to cancel it.

If the order is valid, it can be checked along with all other orders on the “Order Status” screen

5.3 Cancel order

Click on “Trading” --> “Order Status”

Click on the “Cancel” button next to the order you wish to cancel. The following screen will appear:

Enter PIN into the field labeled “PIN Code”

Press the Enter key or click the “Order” button

The following order confirmation screen will appear.

Click “Confirm” to cancel the order, or “Close” to go back.

5.4 Order status

Click on “Trading” --> “Order Status”. The following screen will appear showing day orders and night orders:

Order Status will be one of the following:

- Fully matched

- Partially matched

- Partially matched, with remainder canceled

- Pending at VPS

- Pending matching at HSX or HNX

- Pending cancelation by VPS

- Pending cancelation by HSX or HNX

- Canceled

- Refused by VPS

- Refused by HSX or HNX

5.5 Cash advances

Send a cash advance request to VPS:

    o Click on “Utilities” --> “Cash Advance”
    o Enter correct information [details not available]
    o Click “OK”
    o Enter PIN
    o Click on “Confirm” button to send request, or “Close” to cancel it. [The following screenshots are not representative].

5.6 Money transfer

Transfer money to other bank accounts:

There are several types of account to which you can transfer money:

  • Transfer cash to normal account: This allows you to transfer money between normal and margin accounts.
  • Bank account with the difference[sic] beneficiary name: Transfer money to bank accounts that have an account owner’s name different to that on the VPS stock account (these bank accounts must have been registered beforehand with VPS).
  • Bank account with the same beneficiary name: Transfer money to any bank account in Vietnam that has an account owner’s name that is the same as on the VPS stock account (these bank accounts do not need to be registered with VPS).
  • sRegistered VPS Account: This allows you to transfer money to any account in the VPS trading system.

Step by step:

    o Click on “Utilities” --> “Money Transfer”
    o Select “Money Transfer” tab
    o Choose Money Transfer Type
    o Enter beneficiary account details. Depending on the type of transfer, this may include:
    - Beneficiary name
    - Account number
    - Bank branch
    - Province/city
    - Transfer amount (must be in multiples of VND100)
    - Transfer fee (whether any fee for the transfer will be deducted from the specified Transfer Amount [Including Fee] or charged separately [Excluding Fee])
    - Content (any message, note, or routing instructions to be sent with the transfer)
    o Click “Confirm”
    o Enter image confirmation
    o Enter Capcha
    o Enter PIN
    o Click “OK”

5.7 Stock transfer

Transfer stock between normal and margin accounts.

Step by step

    o Click on “Utilities” --> “Stock Transfer”
    o Enter volume to be sent
    o Enter message or note to be sent with the transfer
    o Click “Confirm”
    o Enter PIN
    o Enter Capcha
    o Click on “Confirm” to submit the transfer request, or “Close” to cancel

5.8 Sell odd-lot shares

Sell odd-lot shares during odd-lot sales sessions.

Step by step:

    o Click on “Utilities” --> “Sell odd-lot shares”
    o Select “Register to sell odd lot” tab
    o Click on chosen stocks
    o Click “Accept”
    o Enter PIN
    o Enter Capcha
    o Click on “Confirm” to submit order or “Close” to cancel

5.9 Asset management

Cash balance
Displays the cash balance with which you can buy securities, and the waiting-to-receive amount after selling securities.

Stock balance

Displays information about securities you hold, including::

    Available stock: the total number of securities currently free to be sold or transferred
    Due Information: stock due to be sent or received, i.e. between trade and completion
    Current market value of stocks held
    Stocks’ current estimated gains or losses by Dong and by percent

How are gains or losses calculated in the portfolio?

Explanation of terms:

    - Avg_Price: The average purchase price of the securities. Unit: 1000 Dong
    - Value: Total original cost of buying the securities
    - Market_Price: The highest bid price. If there is no bid price at the beginning of the session, the market price will be the reference price. Unit: 1000 Dong
    - Market_Value: The estimated value based on the market price of the securities
    - Available_stock: Number of stocks available in your account


    Securities code: PVA
    (1) Avg Price = VND 76,920
    (2) Total number of shares available = 100 (not waiting to send/receive)
    (3) Value = VND 76,920 * 100 = VND 7,692,000
    (4) Market Price = VND 71,700
    (5) Market Value = 71,700 * 100 = VND 7,170,000
    (6) Estimated Loss = (4) – (2) = 7,170,000 - 7,692,000 = VND -522,000
    (7) % Estimated Loss = (5) / (2) * 100 = -522,000 / 7,692,000 * 100 = -6.79%

5.10 View price board

Securities price board with personalization functions:

    Display securities codes of the stocks in your portfolio on the price board
    Monitor securities codes of HOSE and HNX at the same time
    Remove securities codes from monitoring on the price board

Add portfolio shares to the price board
Investors can add their portfolio shares to the price board by clicking on the "Load stocks(s) from account" button on the price board.
Add securities codes to the price board
There are two methods of adding a stock to the board:

    1) Enter the code in the field “Stock Symbol”, and press “Enter”.
    2) Click on the “Select Stock” button, and the following screen will appear:
    Click on "HSX" or "HNX"
    Click on the first letter of the securities code
    Select one or more securities codes
    Click “View”
    Click "Close" to return to the price board

Remove securities codes from the price board

While viewing the price board, mouse over the stock details, then click on the X button.

5.11 News and stock data

When you click on a stock, the system will automatically link to news, information, and data on the company and its shares, including:

    Company profile, business operations, subsidiaries, CEO, etc.
    Price history
    Chart analysis
    News and announcements

5.12 Rights information registration

Click on “Utlilities” --> “Right Information Registration”

Rights information status

Rights information history

5.13 Cash and stock transaction statements

Cash transaction statement

  • Click on “Portfolio Management” --> “Cash transaction statement”
  • Enter “From Date” and “To Date”
  • Click on “Search”

Stock transaction statement

  • Click on “Portfolio Management” --> “Stock transaction statement”
  • Enter “From Date” and “To Date”
  • Click on “Search”

5.14 Order history

  • Click on “Trading” --> “Order History”
  • Enter “From Date” and “To Date”
  • Click on “Search”

6. Other functions

6.1 Personal infomation management

6.1.1 Contact information

Click on “Account Management” --> “Account Information”

6.1.2 Authorized person information

Displays information of the authorized person you have registered with VPS

6.1.3 Online trading services registration information

6.2 Log out

Click the “Logout” button in the top-right of the screen.